«How to overcome corruption?» is such a complex question that nobody can give a precise answer on. «How to build an organization that would be able to fight against it?» – there would be an answer if to deepen in the organizational culture and analyze internal processes. The Center for Leadership of UCU together with Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership (Ivey Business School) did exactly this way. Based on analysis we wrote an educational case, which we are ready to present on September 12, in Lviv.
Moderated discussion and presentation of the case «Transparency International Ukraine», which will be included in the upcoming collection «Book of Reforms», will be held within annual Days of UCU. During the event, the following awaits you:
Participation is free if prior registered.
Location: Parkova classroom of Sheptytsky Center
Start of the meeting: September 12, 18:30
Contact person: Yaryna Stepanyuk, ystepanyuk@lvbs.com.ua, 093 99 555 32.
Background information:
«Book of Reforms» is a collection of twelve cases, each describing comprehensively the specific case of the transformation process that took place in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity in 2013–2014. Its aim is to promote case-study as an effective educational method that allows to absorb new theoretical material through easy interactive form and deeping in a specific economical, cosial or business situation.
The project «Book of Reforms» is embodied by Center for Leadership of UCU in cooperation with Lviv Business School, Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (Stanford University), Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for LeadershipIan (Richard Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario) and other partners.
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