«Has the spear ceased to be a weapon today? And if against a tank or chemical weapons? The same is true for old leadership styles: we can agree that they have the right to exist, but are they able to address present-day challenges?» – Andrew Rozhdestvensky at the public lecture for students «Why leader’s character matters much?»
Recently, (on 8th October) Kherson National Technical University students attended a public lecture by Andrew Rozhdestvensky, the Executive Director of the Center for Leadership of UCU.
New and old leadership styles, the difference between a manager and a leader were discussed, as well as the concept leadership based on character, which is the basis for the Center activities.
There were a lot of discussions and speculations on the question: who is a leader? According to our listeners, this is the person who:
What is your opinion about who is a real leader and what virtues he/she should possess?
Запрошуємо взяти участь в дослідженні лідерських чеснот серед керівників бізнес-сектору.
Якщо Ви належите до СЕО-, ТОП-ланки управління та менеджменту, є власником/власницею бізнесу, працюєте як очільник/ця та керівник/ця компанії, для нас буде дуже цінно дізнатись про Ваш досвід.
Опитування займе менше 10 хвилин та кожен учасник отримає невеличкий бонус від нашого центру.