Hard times create strong and good men.
Strong and good men create good times.
If one were to describe the meeting with Gerard Seijts in Kyiv on May 22 using the words of another speaker, Andy Hunder, this would accurately encapsulate the essence of the discussions during this panel.
This theme emerged from the responses of Gerard Seijts, Andy Hunder, and Sofiia Opatska to the questions posed by the event’s moderator, Andrii Rozhdestvenskyi.
Discussing the “Leadership Crisis in Times of Global Challenges” is difficult because we all experience disappointments in the authority of organizations. Challenges are increasing, many problems remain unsolved, and sometimes it seems that we have no one to rely on but ourselves. We have compiled several recommendations from the experts’ insights that may be useful to readers. However, let’s be honest: such meetings are most energizing in person when you feel the support of a community that shares your values and finds time for self-development amidst all activities.
We hope the following thoughts from the speakers at the meeting will inspire you to lead even in times of crisis:
We thank everyone for participating in this meeting in Kyiv and Lviv and invite you to join all our social networks and stay connected for future projects. Don’t miss the upcoming events from the Center for Leadership of UCU!
Запрошуємо взяти участь в дослідженні лідерських чеснот серед керівників бізнес-сектору.
Якщо Ви належите до СЕО-, ТОП-ланки управління та менеджменту, є власником/власницею бізнесу, працюєте як очільник/ця та керівник/ця компанії, для нас буде дуже цінно дізнатись про Ваш досвід.
Опитування займе менше 10 хвилин та кожен учасник отримає невеличкий бонус від нашого центру.