Who is a “true” Leader? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it may seem at first glance. What’s more, the response often says more about the person answering than it brings us closer to the “absolute” truth. The definition varies depending on one’s field of activity, position, and even life experience.
The reason for this is evident: modern Leadership is not about primitive, ego-driven “chieftainship”. It’s about the ability to unite entirely different people around a common goal and effectively respond to the rapidly changing circumstances of today’s world. In an environment where a Leader is assessed by their Competence, Commitment, and Character (according to the 3C Model), it is the last element that often determines whether someone is merely an effective professional or a Leader capable of truly changing lives.
“Warren Buffett once said, ‘…When you’re hiring people, look for three qualities: Integrity, Intelligence, and Energy. And if they don’t have the first one, the other two will kill you’. Indeed, Integrity (or, as we frame it, Character) determines whether someone will channel their abilities toward good or harm”.
Andrew Rozhdestvensky,
Executive Director of the UCU Center for Leadership, Program Lecturer
Thus, creating a course that vividly demonstrates the path to building Character for both civilians and military personnel was only a matter of time for the Center for Leadership of UCU. It was also a challenge that required an effective combination of theoretical insights from our partners at the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership, Ivey Business School, with our own experiences and the realities of modern Ukraine.
The result of the collaborative efforts of Andrew Rozhdestvensky, Olha Ursol, and Taras Oleksyn was the creation of the educational program “11 Virtues: A Toolkit for Developing Leadership Character”. Its presentation, in partnership with the Human Resources Department of UCU, took place before a very special audience – the community of the Ukrainian Catholic University.
On January 16–17, 2025, over 20 participants from various university departments and management levels had the opportunity to:
The final point turned out to be a true revelation for many participants.
“This training provided me with knowledge that is fundamentally different from the so-called ‘quick success’ seminars… To say that I am inspired is an understatement. I gained a fresh perspective on my behavior and the motives behind other people’s actions”.
Khrystyna Tarasenko,
Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Program in Law, UCU Law School, Program Participant
In the end, genuine Leadership is synonymous with continuous learning and self-improvement. In a world that constantly tests our resilience, success increasingly depends on our Character. This is precisely what the “11 Virtues: A Toolkit for Developing Leadership Character” training program is all about.
If this resonates with you, stay tuned for updates, join the upcoming sessions, and let’s uncover the secrets of Leadership together!
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