Andrew Rozhdestvensky, Executive Director of the UCU Leadership Center and Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, participated in a meeting co-organized by the Ukrainian Embassy in Italy on the topic: “Countering Propaganda as a Global Challenge.” Here are key points from his speech, which you can share with your teams or foreign partners. These insights are based on military leadership research and joint efforts with Serhiy Lesnyak, a historian of Eastern philosophy, lecturer at UCU Business School, and the first translator of Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” from classical Chinese into Ukrainian.
Russian propaganda is not a new phenomenon, but its scale and technological sophistication have increased during the war. Key tools used by Russia include:
These methods help craft an alternate reality where the aggressor appears as the victim, and the victim as the aggressor.
Russian propaganda operates on two levels: external and internal.
According to studies by the OpenMinds Institute, Russian disinformation targets Western societies, leveraging modern technologies:
Russia’s domestic information front has also intensified:
This dual-pronged propaganda sustains both external and internal mobilization for continued warfare.
Democratic nations possess several advantages in combating disinformation:
However, challenges remain:
Sviatoslav Hnizdovskyi, an information warfare researcher and founder of the OpenMinds Institute, aptly compared the situation to a boxing match:
“The democratic world resembles a boxer who only defends and never counters. Such a fight cannot last long and won’t lead to victory.”
This highlights the importance of counterattacking in the information war.
Truth triumphs when we actively defend and promote it. Ukraine has already demonstrated effective strategies on the information front, and these lessons are crucial for the entire democratic world. There is much work ahead, but we already have the tools necessary to succeed.
Запрошуємо взяти участь в дослідженні лідерських чеснот серед керівників бізнес-сектору.
Якщо Ви належите до СЕО-, ТОП-ланки управління та менеджменту, є власником/власницею бізнесу, працюєте як очільник/ця та керівник/ця компанії, для нас буде дуже цінно дізнатись про Ваш досвід.
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