Blog > Activities of the center > Ihnatowycz Family Fund for Young Leaders – An Initiative Shaping the Next Generation of Leaders
12 March 2025

Ihnatowycz Family Fund for Young Leaders – An Initiative Shaping the Next Generation of Leaders

Research, conferences, creative projects, and educational programs – the work of the Center for Leadership of UCU spans many forms. Yet, amidst this variety, certain initiatives stand out as particularly meaningful to our team. These initiatives align deeply with our Mission of fostering Leadership in Ukraine and bring emotional fulfillment as we witness their results. One such initiative is the annual awarding of scholarships from the Ihnatowycz Family Fund for Young Leaders.

This year’s ceremony, held on a symbolic date, January 22 – Ukraine’s Unity Day – distinguished itself not in form but in the emphasis placed by the speakers.

Photo: Julia Oleksyn

“Next year will mark a decade since the founding of the Center for Leadership of UCU. Throughout this time, our progress has been made possible by the unwavering belief in our Mission from Ian O. Ihnatowycz. Starting with the funding of our research, Mr. Ihnatowycz quickly realized the critical importance of developing Leadership potential in Ukraine. This realization led to the creation of new initiatives at UCU, including the scholarship fund that brings us together today”,

said Andrew Rozhdestvensky, Executive Director of the Center for Leadership of UCU, in his opening remarks.

According to our colleague, trust is the cornerstone of authentic Leadership. Together with a readiness to exceed expectations, trust shapes strong personalities capable of creating, uniting, and driving positive change in the world.

Photo: Julia Oleksyn

Sophia Opatska, founding dean and Chair of the Supervisory Board of the UCU Business School and UCU Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, echoed these sentiments:

“When Andrew [Rozhdestvensky] and I first met colleagues from Ivey Business School in 2017, it was evident they weren’t sure what to expect from UCU Business School or the Center for Leadership of UCU. I’ll go further: our first step toward partnership was possible thanks to the patronage of Ian O. Ihnatowycz. Although subsequent collaboration revealed our true potential to our Canadian colleagues, none of this would have happened without the initial trust placed in us. Today, Mr. Ihnatowycz and Dr. Marta Witer have placed their trust in you. They believe in your role as the future of Ukraine. Do not betray that trust! By justifying it, you will amaze even yourselves with the results”.

These words of genuine respect for the benefactor resonated with the event’s main participants – ten young leaders who have already demonstrated significant Leadership potential despite their age.

Photo: Julia Oleksyn

In response to a question from Taras Oleksyn, the Research Project Manager of the Center for Leadership of UCU, about their understanding of Leadership, the scholarship recipients highlighted the challenges they face: the need to inspire, unite around a shared goal, and act as agents of change who shape the face of society.

“Leadership is the ability to inspire, unite, build trust, and foster a shared vision. It’s not just about personal achievements but also about helping others”.

Karina Mandzhai,
First-year master’s student in the Nonprofit Management Program

The importance of these insights was reinforced by a presentation on the Model of Leadership Character used by two institutions supported by Mr. Ihnatowycz – the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership, Ivey Business School in Canada and the Center for Leadership of UCU. Competence, Commitment, and Character – also known as the 3C Model – along with the 11 Virtues of Character, were not entirely new concepts for most scholarship recipients. Many were already intuitively applying these elements. However, the lecture provided them with a scientific foundation for their moral compass. It affirmed that Transcendence, Drive, Collaboration, Humanity, Humility, Integrity, Temperance, Accountability, Justice, Courage, and Judgment are indispensable traits of Leadership and challenged them to reflect more deeply on their approaches to public engagement and societal transformation.

Photo: Julia Oleksyn

We hope this session inspired students to better understand themselves and reevaluate their approaches, fostering meaningful change in our society. The world now, more than ever, needs true Leadership.

In closing, we express our gratitude to everyone who made this event possible. Our deepest thanks go to Ian O. Ihnatowycz and Marta Witer for their unwavering trust in the Ukrainian Catholic University Community. Thanks also to the team of the Development Department of UCU for their meticulous selection of Ihnatowycz Family Fund for Young Leaders scholarship recipients. And, of course, our congratulations go to the scholarship recipients themselves – the next generation of Leaders who, we believe, represent Ukraine’s future:

  • Dmytro Bratashchuk – 2nd-year Social Work Program;
  • Karina Mandzhai – 1st-year master’s student in Nonprofit Management;
  • Marharyta Kupinska – 4th-year Cultural Studies Program;
  • Yelyzaveta Tkach – 4th-year Ethics, Politics, and Economics Program;
  • Sofiia Kashuba – 3rd-year Ethics, Politics, and Economics Program;
  • Dariia Porytska – 3rd-year Ethics, Politics, and Economics Program;
  • Solomiia Novoseletska – 5th-year Law Program;
  • Andrii Hlushko – 1st-year Theology Program;
  • Solomiia-Anna Kuchma – 5th-year Media Communications Program;
  • Maksym Danyliv – 3rd-year Law Program.
Photo: Julia Oleksyn

The synergy demonstrated by these young Leaders goes beyond a mere award ceremony. It creates new meanings and reinforces the timeless relevance of Leadership!