Leadership in the military and civilian sectors has its differences, and while at first glance it may seem that business is ahead, in reality, its biggest organizational decisions have historically been adopted from the armed forces.
Today, Ukrainian military leadership combines discipline with new management ideas brought in by those who have transitioned from the business sector.
Currently, military leaders are forced to constantly develop critical thinking skills in order to choose the most appropriate method of working with their subordinates. There are two main methods: Command & Control and Mission Command. The first is the well-known “pointing finger” method, which concentrates decision-making responsibility on the leader, while the second, on the contrary, is about delegation.
How is this related to the Character of a Leader? What practices exist in the armed forces of other countries? And what experiences do we have working with the Ukrainian military, along with scientific research on this topic? Find out more in the podcast through the link below.
Denys Shmatkov and Orest Dmytrasevych invited Andrew Rozhdestvensky for a discussion within the “Military Leadership” project, supported by the international IT company ELEKS.
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