Blog > Activities of the center > Transparency International Ukraine case will be included in the future collection of training cases entitled “Book of Reforms”
12 March 2025

Transparency International Ukraine case will be included in the future collection of training cases entitled “Book of Reforms”

From educators, project managers, HR specialists, NGO representatives, and anti-corruption initiatives to freshman students. Such a diverse audience attended the interdisciplinary event of the Center for Leadership of UCU, which was held on September 12 within the framework of the annual UCU Days in Lviv.

Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the case method in the educational process and to analyze the Transparency International Ukraine case together with Kateryna Ryzhenko, the head of the legal department of the organization, and Andriy Rozhdestvenskyi, executive director of the Center for Leadership.

Based on a real-life example of organizational changes in the Ukrainian office of international organization Transparency International, participants learned how the case method works in education and studied the Galbraith’s star model for organization design. “Yes, it is impossible to defeat corruption completely, there are no absolutely uncorrupted countries in the world, but it is possible to build an effective anti-corruption organization capable of systematically and successfully exerting influence on anti-corruption policy in the country, and that is exactly what we managed to do,” Kateryna Ryzhenko said.

Transparency International Ukraine case, which was co-authored by the UCU Leadership Center and Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership at the Ivey Business School, will be included in the future collection of training cases entitled “Book of Reforms”, which will be published this fall.

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