“Leading Organizations in a New Era” is a unique program of the UCU Business School, the Center for Leadership of UCU, in collaboration with the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership, Ivey Business School for top-level leaders, addressing today’s most pressing issues. “The idea of creating the training in 2021 was influenced by the pandemic and the consequences caused by this crisis. This year’s program is directly related to organizations operating in wartime conditions. In the second iteration of the program, we try to find solutions for effective leadership in these circumstances. 80% of the content is updated and unique”, shared Andrew Rozhdestvensky, Professor of Leadership, CEO of the Center for Leadership of UCU.
Tools and methodologies you will master:
You will consider four unique case studies:
Case Study “3DP”:
Case Study “Barry-Wehmiller”:
Case Study “Maple Leaf”:
Case Study “Transparency International”:
Each block of the training program will be accompanied by case studies.
The program is designed for the highest level of management in technology companies, specifically:
Manager of Executive Education Program
+380 98 746 9497
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Якщо Ви належите до СЕО-, ТОП-ланки управління та менеджменту, є власником/власницею бізнесу, працюєте як очільник/ця та керівник/ця компанії, для нас буде дуже цінно дізнатись про Ваш досвід.
Опитування займе менше 10 хвилин та кожен учасник отримає невеличкий бонус від нашого центру.