Center for Leadership of UCU is a common project of the Ukrainian Catholic University, UCU Business School, UCU Institute of leadership and management and UCU Management school, realized due to the partnership and collaboration with Ivey Business School.
Center for Leadership of UCU aims at breakthrough in the development of methodology and instruments of teaching leadership courses: development of case studies on leadership is foreseen within the activity of the Center, as well as research of leadership phenomenon in the business sphere, state management, military and non-revenue sectors.
In its activity while performing research and developing the training program the Center for Leadership of UCU rests upon the concept “Leadership based on character” developed by the researchers from Ivey Business School.
Mission of the Center for Leadership of UCU is to develop new generation of socially responsible leaders, oriented towards society development in the business sphere, public administration, politics, military, non-profit and religious sectors.
We are a world class teaching center, performing scientific researches and informing as to realization, evaluation and development of the leaders’ character.
We see Center for Leadership of UCU as an environment uniting scientists and researchers, performing researches on leadership and practicing, which are already leaders in different spheres: business, state management, military sector, non-revenue sector, politics and religion. UCU Center for Leadership of UCU also has an intention to actively work with youth and form around the Center the society of young people possessing potential to become leaders in the future.
In its activity while performing research and developing the training program the Center for Leadership of UCU rests upon the concept ‘Leadership based on character’ developed by the researchers from Ivey Business School, which includes three main components – 1. Competences 2. Character 3. Commitment.
Leadership macro-model developed by Ivey Business School used in Ceter for Leadership of UCU programms
Competencies reflect what a Leader can do, Commitment relates to the amount of effort a Leader is willing to put in, and Character influences the decisions a Leader makes. According to the concept, a Leadership Character includes 11 elements.
Запрошуємо взяти участь в дослідженні лідерських чеснот серед керівників бізнес-сектору.
Якщо Ви належите до СЕО-, ТОП-ланки управління та менеджменту, є власником/власницею бізнесу, працюєте як очільник/ця та керівник/ця компанії, для нас буде дуже цінно дізнатись про Ваш досвід.
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